My Frenchman and I went to the British Library today and then to the BT tower
On the tube home I had this creepy bloke with greasy long hair, a My Chemical Romance hoodie and a disgusting amount of facial peircings staring at me for the entire journey.(See picture for visualisation) I had to look interested in football as the only bit of newspaper somebody had left next to me was the sports section. I was so happy I got off at the stop I did because he came and sat next to me in an attempt to start an awkward conversation.

This made me think on the walk home about things that frustrate and piss me off beyond belief.
10 of the most annoying things in the UNIVERSE:
Perverts. Creepy and annoying when they stare or make some dirty comment about your boobs/legs, but when you don't get any whilstlers whilst walking to the tube station you assume you look butters. You can't win.
Tights laddering. Even if you pay £3 for Primark or £14 for Wolford they will ALWAYS ladder. Solution:2 pairs. YOU JUST GOT SCAMMED
Bags under my eyes. Why are they there?? I GET ENOUGH SLEEP. JUST FUCK OFF.
People who walk slowly. Then they stop in the middle of the road riiight in front of you. You really want to kick them but then you're the one who gets done for it when it should really be them.
When red lipstick smudges. It usually happens when you're alone on public transport so after countless people staring at your face not telling you, the realisation finally hits you when you walk past a reflective shop window an hour later.
Being early. You end waiting for somebody for ages, so everyone around you assumes you've been stood up.
Then the person you're waiting for is usually late.
By about half an hour.
Thats karma for being early.
Accidental phonecalls and blank texts. I apologise to all Aarons and Zoes in advance. I should really learn to lock my phone before sticking it in my pocket.
Pretty skinny people who look good in anything. You should all go and start your own colony in Armenia or something. We normal people don't like how you walk out the house wearing just vaseline and a baggy jumper. You should be forced to mingle with only your own kind until you all rip each others eyes out, therefore making the world a better place. I'm talking to you Sienna Miller.
When people say "looool" on social networking websites. Its meant to be "lol" or "lolololol". Save it for MSN "shexii killah gyal". Or become an internet nerd and start using "lulz" instead. ANYTHING IS BETTER THAN "LOOOOL"
On the tube home I had this creepy bloke with greasy long hair, a My Chemical Romance hoodie and a disgusting amount of facial peircings staring at me for the entire journey.(See picture for visualisation) I had to look interested in football as the only bit of newspaper somebody had left next to me was the sports section. I was so happy I got off at the stop I did because he came and sat next to me in an attempt to start an awkward conversation.
This made me think on the walk home about things that frustrate and piss me off beyond belief.
10 of the most annoying things in the UNIVERSE:
Perverts. Creepy and annoying when they stare or make some dirty comment about your boobs/legs, but when you don't get any whilstlers whilst walking to the tube station you assume you look butters. You can't win.
Tights laddering. Even if you pay £3 for Primark or £14 for Wolford they will ALWAYS ladder. Solution:2 pairs. YOU JUST GOT SCAMMED
Bags under my eyes. Why are they there?? I GET ENOUGH SLEEP. JUST FUCK OFF.
People who walk slowly. Then they stop in the middle of the road riiight in front of you. You really want to kick them but then you're the one who gets done for it when it should really be them.
When red lipstick smudges. It usually happens when you're alone on public transport so after countless people staring at your face not telling you, the realisation finally hits you when you walk past a reflective shop window an hour later.
Being early. You end waiting for somebody for ages, so everyone around you assumes you've been stood up.
Then the person you're waiting for is usually late.
By about half an hour.
Thats karma for being early.
Accidental phonecalls and blank texts. I apologise to all Aarons and Zoes in advance. I should really learn to lock my phone before sticking it in my pocket.
Pretty skinny people who look good in anything. You should all go and start your own colony in Armenia or something. We normal people don't like how you walk out the house wearing just vaseline and a baggy jumper. You should be forced to mingle with only your own kind until you all rip each others eyes out, therefore making the world a better place. I'm talking to you Sienna Miller.
When people say "looool" on social networking websites. Its meant to be "lol" or "lolololol". Save it for MSN "shexii killah gyal". Or become an internet nerd and start using "lulz" instead. ANYTHING IS BETTER THAN "LOOOOL"
1 comment:
I was browsing through your projectplaylist music and I found "THEY'RE TAKING THE HOBBITS TO ISENGARD!!1"
...I rofl'd so loudly.
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