Saturday, 28 June 2008


My Mother just told me to be "assertive" because the boyfriend told me to meet him at about 9.30. She went on to telling me how I need to be a strong woman and not let a man be the boss of me.
I am SO confused right now. She seems to have the idea that all he wants is me for sex but that isn't actually true.
She seems to get the idea that every time I see him I shag him, whilst in truth its only once a week IF THAT.
God, she can be such a twat sometimes.
Earlier today she lectured me on how men will try and manipulate me and I should always know their intentions, and when men dance with me in clubs they usually want more.
You have to be pretty thick/naive not to know that. I can't believe she's telling me this as though I'm stupid.
She actually has no idea what I get up to, and as soon as I let her into something she totally comes in and blows it out of proportion. I am NEVER telling her about boyfriends again. It's actually NONE of her business-I managed to keep Jamie a secret for a year so I don't see why I can't keep more things secret from her.

The woman actually has no idea who I am, and the more time I spend with her, the more I start to detest her. She can't understand simple sentences, and as soon as she sees what she's doing is wrong, or she's losing an argument, she either changes subject or brings up a totally irrelevant point. She acts younger than me most of the time.
I know I sound painfully whiny and irritating, but if you knew my Mother like I did you'd understand what I mean.
She drives me mad and I don't think I could possibly bear to be around her anymore.
She needs to get a job or something-She has ALWAYS been at home for me EVERY SINGLE DAY, I can barely remember any days where she wasn't. Her beliefs are that this raises a stable family, but I can't honestly say I'm the best person. I am pretty well bought up, but it's not like I'm tge model child she intended me to be.
Every morning when I wake up-shes there. Waiting to have a go at me about something trivial which isn't even my fault half the time. This builds up until dinner time where I can't STAND her. Every word she says makes me want to dry-heave. So I argue. This then gets blown out of proportion until we both go to bed feeling bitter.

I honestly don't think SHE has the right to tell me men walk all over me when she's the one who let Dad do something horrible to her TWICE.
I love my Dad but a small part of me hates what he did. I also hate my Mum a little bit for accepting it.

I'm probably going to delete this post tomorrow when I'm in a better mood.
I'm off to see my man now.

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