Friday, 6 June 2008


I had the WEIRDEST dream last night.
I was going out with a boy called Tom and he tried to dump me by burning loads of candles and trying to write "You're dumped" in wax over my bed, so I got really really mad and took him outside onto his street and chained him to the floor. Then I got people from my school to publically humiliate him by calling him really mean things loudly so everyone on the street could hear.
I then woke up, fell back asleep again and had a dream there was a man in Chiswick Park who loved trees so he dressed up as them but he was actually a hermaphrodite who liked touching children.

The tree dream MUST have been based on yesterday. We were all playing frisbee in the park and some teachers from our school came up to us and told us there was a dodgy man in the bushes lurking on children. It later turned out he had a camera.
I actually find this PURE HILARITY.

I'm too old looking for pedophiles to want me which is great. Now I'm only at risk from muggers, rapists, murderers and perverts. But at least I know pedos aren't on that list anymore.

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