So I have a feeling I'll be digging out the padded plasters for tonight and basically creating a sock out of them so I can actually walk.
Pretty pleased with myself though, as last night I did about 300 sit-ups so now my dress fits me better. I should really do that every night but I'm too lazy. All-liquids diet for today as well. God if it's like this for a gay little prom I don't want to imagine what it's like for the Oscars. Errrrrrr goddd.
But after that I have to manage to get everyone from Richmond to London Bridge tube station which I'm sure will be a mission in itself, but I WILL DO IT.
Watch how I just fall asleep by the time I get there or something as I'm knackered. Been to school 2 days running-The motivation thing went okay as we got free food and the leavers assembly was a bit crap as our form got totally boyed and the selection of photos was a bit crap. It scares me though how they used photos of us from our Facebooks/Myspaces. Jessie and I were in the "biggest posers" category which confused me.
I hope people realised the photo was a pisstake.
The sad thing is people in out school take photos like this seriously. It distresses me and makes me feel like I'm going to cringe myself to death (Is that possible? Must be.)
People from our school are so gay.
But then again yesterday I found out that Robert was right about my art marks-We got into the art gallery with all our work and I got 157/160 marks! I am sooo shocked by that. I know I spent countless hours working on my art book to the point where I contemplated suicide, but I didn't think my work was at the right standard of quality to get an A*! But that has lifted my mood so much. If they change it I think I will END my art teacher.
I want to kill a lot of things, here's a list of things I really want to kill.:
- This girl Frankie-Her voice/face makes most people heave.
- Ugg boots.
- Postmen. I was under house arrest waiting for a package all day and it came at 5pm when it was meant to be delivered at 9am
- My strapless bra. I hate plain bras and this is the epitome of plain, plus it feels wrong.
- My blisters.
- My face. It has become horrendously spotty because of sudden explosion of hormones. It makes me feel shamed to be a woman.
- My upper arms. FLIBFLABFLOB.
- My empty wallet. I apologise Pieter-I will pay you back the £20 when I have the cash. DON'T TELL MUM.
Anyways I am off to slowly start getting ready-ish and watching terrible TV in my room. I only have 4 channels up there so I'm very limited seeing as it's a Friday morning. I DONT EVEN HAVE CHANNEL 5. But I'm not going to complain as I'm a pretty lucky person.
Next time I blog I'll do a rating on how orange everyone was at prom. Most girls in our school like achieving the tango man look by applying liberal amounts of fake tan.
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