Monday, 1 September 2008


Mum's finally back from hospital which is great.
But my Dad didn't feel the need to tell me that her blood pressure was so bad the first day in hospital he thought she could have died.
Thanks for telling me three days later, Dad.

But at least she's feeling much better now and doesn't have to be cooped up in some shitty hospital-Then again she has to be operated on in six weeks. This clashes with my brothers German exchange partner coming (who has a perchant for staring down your top) and going to France with Dutch relatives.
Perosnally I'd like to stay at home away from all the French, Dutch and German people, and rather enjoy my Birthday in a non-cultural English way. (If you count all the nationalities mentioned above as "cultural")

Oh, I also want a Chinese baby.
This blog has been rather pointless. Whatever writing inspiration I had a few hours ago has probably been sapped by watching too much South Park and consuming liberal amounts of chocolate. (My excuse is that my body has insufficient iron levels and chocolate gives me the vitamins I need.)
Going to buy stationary with Rober tomorrow-I am strangely exited about this. I wonder if this makes me a sad person. Will all my friends eventually leave me as I seem more interested in flashing biros than going out? Will rubbers become the new cocaine?
Actually, apparently you can get a high off sniffing rubbers after you just rubbed them on paper. But I think the people that do that are probably sadder than me.
Then college on Wednesday. YAY.
(That was not sarcasm. I am actually exited to be educated again-The summer has turned my brains to mush, as you can tell from this blog.)

Plus I like someone. I shouldn't say someone as that could indicate I'm bisexual or something which I'm not. I like men-Prefeably tall with large noses. I think this is some caveman instinct of actually having someone able to inhale larger animals in their nostrils than I already can. For food or whatever.
Shame this guy doesn't have a large nose-However I'm sure a few rohypnol tablets and a pair of tongs can do the trick.


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