Officially at Twyford now.
(I had to block out my face on the card as my nostrils were larger than usual and I appear to have an adams apple in it)
But I am generally quite happy about going to school now, my form is good and for once I actually WANT to do art. However my dreams of dermatology were HORRIBLY CRUSHED when I was 5 marks off a B in science meaning I couldn't do Biology and Chemistry. Now I have to find another career path :/
But for community service I might be helping year 11 year olds wrap eggs in bubble wrap so they don't break when you throw them out the window. Thats what the lady told me-I'm hoping she didn't lie to me and instead I have to read to them or something. But they are soo much cuter than Chiswick kiddies. More Christian and less likely to try and mug you.
Most of them like God and stuff which is good.
I need to lose all the holiday weight I put on, but hopefully that should be easy as it's winter now. SO I IZ GONNA STAY AWAI FROM DA PIEZ. Not that I actually give much for pie anyway.
I've also been listening to a lot of N-SYNC recently. I actually think it's bringing out the homosexual man trapped inside of me.
Maybe I'll start a sex blog and write about all the crazy sexual adventures I'm having.
My life is too dry right now.
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