22222222 much 2 do in 2 little toyme.
Life updates:
Life updates:
- Have a boyfriend who is 6ft4, plays rugby and has SIZE 14 FEET. He is also my bodyguard and I can set him off on people and animals if I asked him to. (I think.) SO NO 1 CAN MESS WIV ME.
- Have basically done NO WORK and have to finish an entire art project by the 4th of November. This has made me think of many different ways of committing suicide. (I like the idea of blowing out my brains onto a canvas as a way of expressing my creativity.)
- MANZ HAZ NO MONIE$. Nothing new there.
- I re-discovered my eyetoy and have washed a hell of a lot of windows on it. By the end of the month I'm sure I'll have arms to rival the boyfriend.
- Smoking is pretty much ruining my vocal chords-However I am hoping to achieve a sexy smoker's voice whilst avoiding cancer. I NEVER KNEW THAT IF YOU CHEW GUM AT THE SAME TIME AS SMOKING IT GIVES YOU MOUTH CANCER. Not realising that is almost as thick as the girl who thought she was "allergic" to her boyfriend, as whenever they did it without a condom she got a rash.
- Social life is improving. Now my friendship group involves more people than just my Mum. YAY.
I feel better for posting something.