GOT BORED TODAY IN CLASS AND WAS THINKING @M@Z1NGLY Z@NY H1PST@ THOUGHTZ. Such as if my plimsolls were dirty enough and if I looked cooler smoking in the dark than in daylight. Then I thought of something Hipster Runoff has yet to do:
ALT KNEECAPZ. Alt breasts are olddddddddddddddd.
Thought of more than two would give a lot of knee fetishists a fat hard-on. This is not only 3 but the dirty thought of not seeing the other 3 kneecaps iz just 22222 much 4 people.
Mmmm. Which woman wouldn't want a piece of these stunnaz.
To be the altest, most alt alternative all you need is a biro. Watch how you'll start seeing painted kneecaps all over by the end of the week. CORY KENNEDY IS ON IT. TRUST.
Who downt wike a bit owf the owld Jonathan Woss on a Fwiday night? These altewnative kneecaps cewtainly do.
This shouldn't even need a reason explaining why it is most undoubtedly the most alternative kneecap ever. You can cover it in gold sequins and go to Styleslut parties parading it around in a provocative manner-This'll ensure anything with a pulse will want to fuck you. You can take bucketloads of ketamine and still be able to stand up with one leg. Unlimited party tricks. Plus you could do the sickest robot dance mankind has EVA SEEN!
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