Monday, 13 October 2008

Pure unadulterated anger

Decided to come home early today as I didnt have any lessons and registration is bunkable. Went to the pub for a bit first, and then walked alllllll the way back to my house (treck btw) and realised I didnt have my keys, so I had to go alllllll the way back to the pub. By this point I was really angry and pissed off, when some dirty little creep walks past me and starts doing vulgar things with his tongue. I hate dirty creeps to begin with, but this bloke was actually vile.
So in this fit of anger I threw a plastic bottle at his head and told him he was a fucking disgusting waste of space and that he should die because wankstains like him will never get laid so he should stop being such a fucking prick. Then some policewoman comes over, asks me what I think I'm doing to this bloke, etc. Then I told her that he was being a little perv and how he did all these disguting things to me. She then looked at me in a pitying way, winked and let me off.

I think all women should unite and there should be a law or something which allows a woman to hurt men who do disgusting and pervy men. Most of my boy mates never understand how bad it gets, and just how irritating those guys are, but the select few who pity us women I THANK YOU.
Its so frustrating. I hate pervs. I want them all to die.

1 comment:

2SHIN said...

I would defiantly smash yer love.

No ironknee.