Monday, 3 November 2008

Oh dear lord

Over the past 3 days I have completed over 41 pages of art in my A3 sketchpad.
I have to practically finish an entire project by tomorrow afternoon.
I've been up since 8.30 and have had 3 hours worth of breaks and I feel like I am going to die.

Had to boy off the boyfriend for art making me feel terrible, and had to say no to going to the Westfields center with Jess, Talie and Seb. On top of that I have 3 essays, two of which I don't know what they are after losing my planner down a drain.

Well, this was a 10 minute relief. Back to art.
I have not left the house for 3 days. Watch how my social interaction skills with people other than my family die, leaving me friendless and alone.
If James didn't call me every night for hours I think I would have clawed my eyes out by now.
I miss him.

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