Monday, 9 March 2009

Old minge.

James broke up with me blaming it on "stress" and saying he "didn't want to hurt me any more"
But I found out today he pulled some random woman and felt guilty. I don't particularly mind that so much as I know it was probably some desperate middle-ages Australian woman with a crabby minge at the Redback in Acton LOLOLOL. (cringe at his life) Strangely enough, knowing that makes me feel about 2784932892 times better realising its not me but in fact him.
I just wish some of my friends had told me instead of keeping it secret as to not upset me. I actually feel much better understanding the reason as to why he broke up with me.

But overall I'm happy now that I don't have to put up with his hedgehog hair and jokes that even 5 year olds wouldn't find entertaining. I will miss talking to him though. It's probably having a boyfriend I will miss instead of him personally.
At least he'll be happy molesting all the other overgrown hairy rugby men in the changing room knowing he is now single so he can get raped until his rectum has a prolapse.

1 comment:

J said...

Love you, Yasminz.